GP Partnership Helped Fill Labour Needs – Minister


Saskatchewan Governments Minister for Economy Honourable Jeremy Harrison has praised his provinces partnership with Guadalcanal Province saying it has helped local Saskatchewan employers fill needs that the province had experienced last summer.

“This partnership has helped local employers fill needs that they had this past summer and will assist the Guadalcanal students build their careers back home in Solomon’s” Minister of the Economy Harrison said.

“Saskatchewan is known all over the world for our brand of hospitality and we take pride in the fact that students from around the world, including the Solomon Islands, come to our province to gain valuable experience in our tourism industry,” Minister Harrison said.

Guadalcanal Premier Anthony Veke has praised the People and Government of Saskatchewan saying the Province and its citizens are playing an important role in building Guadalcanal’s economy.

Premier Veke’s comment follows return of two Guadalcanal citizens from Saskatchewan who had been employed in the Province as part of a 4-month seasonal worker program.

“ I commend the leadership of Premier Brad Wall and his government and the people of Saskatchewan and especially those businesses who have come forward to provide seasonal employment to my people. Thank you very much for this opportunity,” Premier Veke said.

This educational partnership support’s the entry of recent tourism graduates from the Guadalcanal, Solomon Islands by allowing them to work and gain first-hand experience in Saskatchewan’s renowned hospitality sector. The two graduates arrived in the spring of 2016, and they were employed as Kitchen Helpers at a restaurant facility in Regina.

“ As stated by the Saskatchewan Government member in the legislature in October 2015 this partnership is helping to meet labour shortages in the Saskatchewan province which continues to experience shortages of workers in its tourism and hospitality sector,” Premier Veke said.

This is a partnership between Canadian International Training & Education Corp. Saskatchewan Hotel and Hospitality Association, the Saskatchewan Tourism Education Council, and the Solomon Islands province of Guadalcanal.

Premier Veke said that the steps taken by the Saskatchewan Government and stakeholders in supporting seasonal workers being sent for employment opportunity in the province has opened opportunities for Guadalcanal residents to build their lives and help build tourism standards of the province.

“The most important aspect of this partnership is that what our citizens learn being employed in Saskatchewan over the 4 month period is what they bring back to Solomon Islands tourism sector and the remittances they contribute to the economy,” Premier Veke said.

Premier Veke said that in particular he is grateful to Minister Harrison who sees this partnership as a learning and earning opportunity. “We have a tourism industry that is recording increase in visitor arrival and every aspect of training helps us improve our services,” Premier Veke said.

Province of Guadalcanal in Solomon Islands has been praised by the Canadian Hotel and Tourism sector for being the leaders of the labour mobility partnership between the Government and People of Canada and Solomon Islands.

Just recently two GP-CITREC graduates Amelia Muse and Careka Volly have been praised as those who have proven themselves as Guadalcanal’s best brand ambassadors for displaying what they have learned in their classroom setting and to excel in the workplace.

Tourism and Hospitality Association leaders following deployment of two seasonal workers from the province of Guadalcanal which Canadian hotel says workers have exceeded industry expectations and has opened significant opportunities for more hiring of CITREC-GP graduates in the summer of 2017 by the industry.

Both Amelia Muse and Careka Volly were employed as seasonal workers for four months. They were employed in Canada as Temporary Foreign Workers and were granted a 4-month work permit upon their arrival into Canada in July of this year. Both departed for Guadalcanal on Saturday successfully completing their 4 months tenure with the Canadian employer.

“ It was a true honour and pleasure to work with Careka Volly and Amelia Muse over the last 4 months. It was inspiring to witness their skills improve to the level that they achieved in such a short period of time, Waterfront Beach Grill CEO Denny Joyal said in a statement.

“I appreciate the commitment and dedication they showed to both our business and to myself personally. This program was a win for everyone involved and I look forward to participating in it in the future”. Mr. Joyal said.

“Our partnership with the government of the Solomon Islands, CITREC and employer Mr. Joyal has been incredible. Two graduates arrived in the summer of 2016 to work at the Waterfront Beach Bar and Grill in Regina Beach and became the first workers to participate in this truly unique program and what I can confirm is that there is growing interest from my members to participate in similar opportunity next summer in 2017. This means more hiring from the Province of Guadalcanal of the CITREC-GP graduates,” President and CEO of Hotel & Hospitality Association in Canada Jim Bence said.

Mr. Bence said that as the first employer to work within the CITREC-GP program, Mr. Joyal took those first great steps into uncharted waters and embarked on a voyage that has set the framework for the future, continued success of the program.

“This truly is a huge win for the employer, the government of the Guadalcanal, Solomon Islands, CITREC the SHHA and, most importantly, workers Amelia Muse and Careka Volly. They return home with valuable tourism experience and fantastic memories of a wonderful Saskatchewan experience.” President Bence said.