Invest Solomons
Invest Solomons
There has never been a better time to look at Solomon Islands for new and improved investment opportunities. For Canadians who plan to invest in the Solomon Islands, the Consulate office in Canada can provide any assistance required to establish a successful business in the Solomon Islands.
Solomon Islands, which is the second largest island country within the Pacific Islands, has endless investment opportunities. From Cocoa Beans to Coffee Beans, Timber, Tuna and Palm Oil, and Mining opportunities there are many lucrative industries to invest in. We also have investment opportunities for people who plan to invest in our hotel industry. With tourism numbers on the rise in the Solomon Islands tourism industry partnerships are being sought. Solomon Islands is also one of the leading suppliers of tuna in the South Pacific to the European Union and Japan. We also have world quality Palm Oil for export.
Investors would be pleased to know that Solomon Islands’ global ranking leapt forward seven places between 2010 and 2011 in a new report from the IFC and the World Bank that measures the ease of doing business. This is indeed a major achievement for a country, which is expanding its export opportunities globally.
Jumping to 74th out of 183 economies, Solomon Islands was among just four countries in East Asia and the Pacific – also including Tonga and Vanuatu – which improved in three or more areas measured by the report.
Recently released, Doing Business 2012: Doing Business in a More Transparent World assesses regulations affecting domestic firms in 183 economies and ranks the economies in 10 areas of business regulation, such as starting a business, resolving insolvency, and trading across borders. This year, the rankings on ease of doing business have expanded to include indicators on getting electricity.
Solomon Islands has made starting a business easier by implementing an online registration process. It made registering property faster by separating the land registry from the business and movable property registries and strengthened investor protection by enacting the Companies Act 2009, which increased shareholders’ access to corporate information. It also simplified insolvency proceedings, by adopting The Companies (Insolvency and Receivership) Act 2009.